Fireplaces are great to have during the winter season when all you dream about is relaxing next to the fire at night. Although these can be a cozy addition to a room, there are several mistakes that should be avoided. These are potential hazards that could possibly put you and your family at risk.
Incomplete Checks
Safety is the main priority when having a fireplace. You should have your fireplace serviced before being used for the first time of the season. Completing regular checks can help you avoid any costly issues that could potentially arise.
If you have a wood-burning fireplace, you must ensure you’re burning the correct types of wood. Red gum is a great type of wood, but others can lead to health problems in the future.
The Wrong Proportions
If you have a mantel, it should remain in the medium-sized range so it’s not too overwhelming. A larger mantle can take up too much space and become the focal point of the room instead of the actual fireplace itself. A smaller mantle can seem more like an afterthought.
Dated Designs
Fireplaces are always an incredible thing to have in your home, but they can go out of style depending on the design. It’s important to take a look at all the options on the market to get a better idea of what you have to work with. If you currently have a fireplace that’s a little out-dated, try upgrading your fireplace to a more modern design. You can even convert a wood-burning fireplace to gas if you’re tired with how much effort it takes to maintain.
Too Much Clutter
For safety reasons, there shouldn’t be anything close to your fireplace that may catch on fire. These include removing things like furniture, carpet, rugs, or clothing that could potentially be a problem.
It’s important to not crowd the mantle of the fireplace as well. This can become quite a distraction and take away from your actual fireplace.
Hi-Tech Appliance has great gas fireplace service repair experts on staff in Longmont, CO. They are knowledgable and can fix any fireplace problem you may have.